New Products

Microvesicle CYQUANT MVT

Microvesicles analysis: expand the limits!

Standardized and compliant with international guidelines, CY-QUANT MV-TF Activity is the newborn in the range of microvesicles testing from Stago.

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LA brochure

Lupus Anticoagulant - An integrated solution

Stago offers Screening, Mixing and Confirmatory testing solutions for dRVV and APTT pathways and a CE marked automated clinical decision algorithm.

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SAME™ i-Sep®

SAME™ by i-SEP®, a revolutionary cell salvage system

SAME ™ by i-SEP® is an innovative autotransfusion system and the only one in the market that retains platelets and platelet activity. The red blood cell yield is comparable to other systems in the market (~90%), but the retention of platelets (upto 81%) is much greater that competitive systems (typically less than 11%).

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sthemE Product Suite

The sthemE product suite is Stago's latest generation of digital tools designed to help laboratories in their every day practices.

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HIT Range logo

STic Expert HIT

For every Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) suspicion. A rapid and specific exclusion of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia in 10 minutes. Diagnosing and treating Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) represent a challenge for many clinicians. STic Expert® HIT is a significant step forward in HIT diagnosis.

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