Contact us

Get in touch

From our sales agents to our 24/7 support hotline, we pride ourselves on our customer service. On this page, you can find our contact details.


Tel: 0845 054 0614
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm


Are you interested in joining the Stago family, updating your current equipment, or placing and order for reagents and consumables? Contact our sales team directly using the details above to


Support Hotline

Tel: 0800 008 7786

Our support hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to ensure that you are able to continue to provide services with a minimum of disruption. You can also use this line to access our scientific specialists and product experts for advice on your specific needs and upcoming studies.

Learn more about our support hotline.

Stago UK Headquarters

Stago UK LTD

2 Theale Lakes Business Park
Moulden Way
United Kingdom

Stago in the UK

General Enquiries

For general enquiries relating to Stago UK, please use the form below:

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110 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt pdf doc csv xlsx png jpeg jpg.
Enter the characters shown in the image.

*This information is required for us to meet your request.  

The information in this form is collected by Stago so that we can process your request.  

Consult the note on user data protection.