Arab Health Congress

Arab Health is the largest healthcare exhibition in the Middle East, and the second largest in the world. With more than 6,000 delegates and over 2,700 exhibitors from 60 countries including 31 national pavilions, Arab Health provides an unrivalled platform for the world’s leading manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors from the Middle East and beyond.
For the second year, Stago attended the exhibition as part of the French pavilion. Highlighted on the booth were the STA-R Evolution Expert Series and its unique ability to be connected to all the main automation systems. Special focus was made on Stago's renewed anticoagulants monitoring product line and our Qualiris external quality assessment program.

Represented by the Stago Dubai Branch Office it has been a unique opportunity to meet and share with our Middle East customers. It has also been a key meeting point with Stago's partners from the African continent, the Middle East and South Central Asia.

Stago will return to Arab Health in 2012 at Dubai International Exhibition Centre on January 23-26th.

L’égalité salariale entre les femmes et les hommes en entreprise fait désormais l’objet d’une obligation de résultats dans la loi "pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel". Les entreprises ayant moins de 75 points doivent mettre en place des actions correctives et auront 3 ans pour atteindre cette note minimale. A défaut, elle risque une pénalité financière.

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