2010 BSHT Educational Meeting

This educational meeting was a complement of the combined NVTH/BSHT meeting which was held in Holland in June 2010. It focused on "Challenges in Haemostasis and Thrombosis". 7th October 2010 London – British Library - UK
Topics included discussions about clinical issues such as:
  • the prevention of hospital-acquired thrombosis,
  • the diagnosis of VWD,
  • the prophylaxis and treatment of haemophilia A and B…
New ways of exploring haemostasis were also discussed, like flow based haemostasis and the role of the interaction between ADAMTS 13 and VWF and Pr Hemker gave a nice review of thrombin generation, recalling the history of the concepts and presenting the new challenges. As for the past BSHT meetings, Stago UK was amongst the sponsors and was present on the exhibition area.
This was the opportunity for us to promote our latest educational tools and assays: we had a lot of interest from the delegates for our new Ecarin Chromogenic Assay (ECA) for the monitoring of the new Direct Thrombin Inhibitors and we also gave away a lot of our leaflets on pregnancy-specific coagulation ranges*. Around 120 delegates, scientists and clinicians from all over the UK. *Data adapted from P B. Szecsi et al - Thromb Haemost 2010; 103: 718–727